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 Effective Strategies For Parenting Teens With Self-Destructive Behaviors

Stop walking on eggshells.  Start acting skillfully to create real and lasting change.

Hope Is Here

Nothing is working.

Yelling doesn’t work. Enforcing strict rules backfires.
Giving in only makes it worse. You’ve tried tons of treatments and therapies, yet nothing seems to bring about the change you desperately seek in your teen.


Essential Strategies for Managing Intense Emotions

The extreme emotions and judgments within your household spark endless conflicts, with no sign of compromise or peaceful conversation. You witness your teen's struggles with relationships, their isolation, and it shatters you. You've watched them don identities, seeking acceptance and a sense of belonging, only to face rejection and deepen their despair. Their plummeting self-worth mirrors your own feelings of defeat.

Tools To Transform High-Risk Behaviors 

Your life has become an unending cycle of crisis, watching your teen spiral into self-harm and suicidal thoughts. You lie awake at night, haunted by the possibility of losing them, wondering if your own body can withstand this level of stress. The thought never crossed your mind, holding your baby years ago, that someday they would want to die. Now, you're entrenched in sadness and hopelessness, yet you're the anchor of hope as your teen teeters on the edge of giving up.

Click Here For Practical Strategies

From Constant Crisis to Confidently Coping 

Go from feeling helpless and frustrated with your teen's unpredictable behaviors to becoming a confident, empowered parent who knows exactly what to say and how to say it to de-escalate emotional responses effectively. Gain a practical, systematic approach, turning every conflict into an opportunity for growth and deeper connection. 

Stop wondering how to get your teen to change. Instead, learn the framework for radically shifting the home environment.  By focusing on what is within your control and the ways you are able to positively influence change within your own patterns, you can create new ways of responding and coping with your teen too.

Creating a harmonious, supportive home environment is possible, even if you currently feel like you're walking on eggshells around your teen. Address your fears and doubts head-on, offering a step-by-step guide to understanding your teenager's world, managing your reactions, and fostering a relationship built on empathy and trust.

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What You'll Discover:

The Root Causes of
Self-Destructive Behaviors
Explore the biological and environmental factors driving your teen's actions.

Effective Communication Strategies
Unlock the secrets to opening heartfelt dialogues, ensuring your teen feels truly heard.

Mindfulness and Coping Skills
Arm both yourself and your teen with the ability to manage emotions and stress healthily.

Intervention Techniques
Learn precise methods for intervening in self-destructive patterns, creating safety and trust.

Promoting Positive Behaviors
Foster resilience, self-esteem, and positive decision-making within your teen.

Learn new approaches to understanding, communication, and support, specifically designed for parents of teens overwhelmed by intense emotions.

KATIE K. MAY, LPC, owner and executive director of Creative Healing, is a national speaker and trainer specializing in therapy for teens with depression, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts. As one of only eleven Linehan board-certified Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) clinicians in Pennsylvania, she's an expert in this gold-standard treatment for life-threatening behaviors.

Katie is committed to helping teens feel accepted for who they are while teaching them skills to build a life they love. She graduated from Villanova University and West Chester University of Pennsylvania and resides in the Philadelphia area with her family and Boston terrier, Penny.

AS A THERAPIST WHO SPECIALIZES IN TEEN SELF-HARM, I often work with parents who are feeling sad and hopeless when it comes to their teen's behavior. They may have tried six to ten therapists, but nothing seems to be working. They're at the point of considering sending their child to a residential program, and they're feeling guilty, helpless, and uncertain about what to do next.

By the time many families find our center, they've already experienced years of intense emotions and behaviors at home and have already tried tons of treatments and therapies. Often, they've received a lot of contradictory advice from different professionals too.

And none of it with any long-term, lasting effects.

Parenting a teen can be challenging, and it's natural to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to move forward when things aren't going well. It's not always easy, but with patience, persistence, and a willingness to try new approaches (including looking inward and changing your own patterns), it is possible to find solutions and create positive change at home.

Membership Benefits

Transform your family dynamics with strategies that shift you from reactive to proactive parenting.

  • Weekly Accountability Book Club: Weekly action steps to deepen your understanding.
  •   Glowing Guidance: Monthly Q&A sessions with Katie K. May.
  •   Video Lessons and Workbook: Reinforce book content with easy-to-digest lessons and a practical workbook.
  •   Kindling Connections: An online community offering support and guidance.
  • Harmony at Home: Strategies and scripts for peace, balance and positive communication.

"You're On Fire, It's Fine"


with no long-term commitment

  • Format: Online, self-paced for your convenience.

  •  Community Support: Join a supportive community to stay on track.

  •  Access: Immediate upon enrollment.

Start your journey towards a more harmonious, understanding, and joyful family life today. Your transformation begins with the click of a button.